Who Are Actors of Chloe Summers And Asher Matthews In The Virgin Camp Counselor

At least Chloe Summers eventually fell for someone she could trust in The Virgin Camp Counselor Movie. While trying to save her father’s campsite as well as manage her fleeting emotions, she met Asher Matthews. Asher Matthews was ready to be her knight in shining armor. Trust me, that is exactly what Chloe Summers needed. A protector!

Part 1: The Relationship Between Chloe Summers And Asher Matthews In The Virgin Camp Counselor

The Virgin Camp Counselor Cast

Chloe Summers was the daughter of the camp director. Camp Wildwood as it was named, had been in existence for 50 years and Chloe Summers’s family had been running it.  At this point, the camp was being run by Chloe Summers’s father, Scott.

Now, the story gradually unfolds. Chloe Summers is at the camp trying to figure out who is behind vandalizing the cabins when she meets Asher Matthews. Asher Matthews was also at the camp as a Counselor. Like Chloe Summers was too.

Asher Matthews had never met Chloe Summers before. He was at the campground to work. But well, you know how it goes. Attractions cannot be hidden. Asher Matthews innocently bumped into Chloe Summers.

That would be the beginning of their friendship. Naturally and lighthearted at first, Chloe Summers would get to know Asher Matthews and they would look forward to seeing each other again.

However, the next time Asher Matthews saw Chloe Summers, it was an emergency. Chloe Summers was drowning. Chloe Summers’s bully, Morgan, pushed her into the lake.

If only Morgan knew, maybe she would not have created such an avenue because Asher Matthews came flying to Chloe Summers’s rescue.

Asher Matthews liked Chloe Summers from the first time he set his eyes on her. In fact, he was feisty with his approach to Chloe Summers. He insisted that Chloe Summers must be happy to have him around.

Well, the truth was that Chloe Summers liked Asher Matthews too.

Chloe Summers, like it has been earlier stated, was a little bit confused at first in regard to the boys around her. She liked Drew and was not done getting close to him before Asher Matthews showed up to sweep her off her feet.

Anyway, Asher Matthews would have no other choice but to make sure that he looked out for Chloe Summers in the camp.

He took it upon himself to care for Chloe Summers especially when he saw that she had a lot of enemies on site.

Part 2: Episodes That Showcased The Chemistry Between Chloe Summers And Asher Matthews

Episode 1

The Virgin Camp Counselor Episode 1

Chloe Summers and Asher Matthews met for the first time in The Virgin Camp Counselor Episode 1. She was taking a look at a cabin that had just been vandalized when Asher Matthews came bumping into her.

Chloe Summers fell right into Asher Matthews’s arms and their conversation started off at once.

‘’Are you trying to kill me?’’

Chloe Summers would ask Asher Matthews as she falls into his arms.  Their connection was instant, and it was natural, to say the least. Asher Matthews would introduce himself to Chloe Summers. He was a newbie Counselor, so he obviously had no idea who she was.

Episode 3-5

The Virgin Camp Counselor Episode 3

In The Virgin Camp Counselor Episode 3, Chloe Summers’s bully, Morgan, pushes her into the lake. In this episode, we can easily feel the connection between Chloe Summers and Asher Matthews. Asher Matthews appeared out of nowhere to save Chloe Summers.

He was not anywhere around the scene when Morgan pushed Chloe Summers into the lake, but how quickly he showed up to save her.

Asher Matthews even went as far as ignoring the fact that Chloe Summers was half-naked. He was just concerned about protecting Chloe Summers.

Yes, when Morgan pushed Chloe Summers into the lake, Chloe Summers’s bikini came off. But Asher Matthews covered her up in the water and guarded her to safety while others looked on and laughed.

Chloe Summers and Asher Matthews’s closeness would trigger Morgan further. Morgan would immediately accuse Chloe Summers of being with her boyfriend, Asher Matthews.

Now, this part of the movie is sensitive because of how Chloe Summers responded to Morgan. She was defensive.

Chloe Summers could not believe that Morgan and Asher Matthews were dating. In fact, from the way she sounded, she was hurt.

Also, Asher Matthews hurriedly set things straight. He was not dating Morgan anymore. Morgan was just his ex.

Episode 6-7

The Virgin Camp Counselor Episode 6

In these episodes of The Virgin Camp Counselor, Asher Matthews, and Chloe Summers continue to get familiar with each other.

In a gathering of the campers, Chloe Summers and Asher Matthews would sit together while Asher Matthews asked questions. He wanted to get to know Chloe Summers more.

Asher Matthews would get to understand that the camp was dear to Chloe Summers as her father was the director.

While they were getting used to each other, someone would make a dramatic entrance into the scene.

None other than Zeke the Freak.

Zeke was one of the officials in the camp, and he had come to announce that the camp was going through some trouble.

With that being the case, Chloe Summers’s father, the director was away, so Zeke had the opportunity to do what he liked.

Trust Zeke to have his eyes on Chloe Summers, and trust Asher Matthews to stand up for her.

Zeke was making advances at Chloe Summers when Asher Matthews showed up and asked him to beat it.

Summary Of The Virgin Camp Counselor

The Virgin Camp Counselor Movie

All that Chloe Summers was trying to do was help her father and family to take care of their camp. While Chloe Summers was invested in this in The Virgin Camp Counselor Movie, she soon realized that there was more to look out for than met the eye.

The camp was facing foreclosure following a vandalism incident, and things were looking as if someone or some people were behind it.

The Camp Wildwood had been in existence for 50 years. If the camp faced any form of closing, it would be a great dent in the image of Chloe Summers’s immediate family.

Well, Chloe Summers was lucky to meet a young man who would be so interested in her, he would also protect the camp as well. His name?

Asher Matthews.

Part 3: Where To Watch The Virgin Camp Counselor

The Virgin Camp Counselor Short Drama

ReelShort. That’s an easily way to watch The Virgin Camp Counselor Movie and catch Chloe Summers and Asher Matthews on display.

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Part 4: Conclusion Of The Virgin Camp Counselor

The Virgin’s Bucket List

We simply must applaud the input that went into creating The Virgin Camp Counselor Movie. First of all, it should be pointed out that the movie is an interactive piece.

What that means is that there are parts of the movie that would trigger the viewer to continue the plot in the way he or she wants.

Questions would be asked, and the viewer’s response would determine where the movie would go next. Got it? I guess.

Happy viewing!

Watch The Virgin’s Bucket List on ReelShort.

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